Preview Option Demo

This demo page shows how the preview option works for different types of files.

Image Preview

Use the button "Click to Show Preview" to see the image.

The image will open in a new browser tab.

Audio Preview

Use the player to preview the audio file.

Document Preview

Use the button "Click to Show Preview" to see the see the document.

The document will open in a new browser tab using the Google Viewer for this.

Video Preview

Video previewing has two options.

First - the standard button "Click to Show Preview" next to the download button.

The video player will open in a new browser tab.

Second - the "View video" tab in the content block of the download page.

Click it to see the video player on the same page.

This is a video "The cooks hands in flour" in slow-motion. This example shows a preview option with a media player.

Check the full list of demo downloads which have the preview option:

Showing 1-9 of 9


This is a wallpaper with lightning. This example shows a preview    Read More



This is a video "The cooks hands in flour" in slow-motion.    Read More



This is an article a document with the article "SE Ranking    Read More



This is an audio track "Travel Light". This example shows a    Read More



This is a wallpaper with clouds. This example shows a preview    Read More



This is a video "Green avocado falls and splits into 2    Read More



This is an article a document with the article "Do Meta    Read More



This is an audio track "Acoustic Guitar". This example shows a    Read More



This example shows a Microsoft Document with a preview option using    Read More

Enabling Preview and Player

To allow previewing files before downloading, you need to configure it in plugin settings.

1) Find the option "Preview support mode". You can disable it for all downloads, enable for downloads, or allow to choose it while creating or editing the download.

2) If you want to display the audio player, you need to find the option "Player support mode" - it has the same settings as for in the previous step.

Another option "Choose which audio player should be shown" offers you a few different audio players which you can use on your site.

3) One more option allows you to choose, which users are allowed to use the preview option and use media player.

Upload Page

If you choose "customizable for each download" when enabling the preview and player options, the corresponding options will appear in the upload form. The options are: "Enable Preview" for images and documents, and the button "Enable Media Player" for audio and video.

CreativeMinds Download and File Manager Plugin for WordPress creates a secure file sharing directory to easily upload, download, and share text files, videos and images. Protect files with unique passwords, restrict file access by user or user group, charge for downloads via EDD or a virtual wallet, and much more! Get all the tools you need to build an online course, community database, or HR dashboard with this powerful plugin.

For more information go to the plugin product page

Try other WP Download and File Manager Plugin Demos